Well, it's the last day of 2008. We are ending on a good note. We have spent the last 4 days skiing on the continental divide. The weather was perfect, the sun was shining, and no one got hurt. Most importantly, I definitely earned most improved skier award. Each day that I ski I usually experience what I call a "spectacular fall". Not only did I not fall AT ALL today, I skied on blue runs and held my own with the kids when we all ran together. WOOHOO!!!
If we are ending on a good note, that must mean that we are beginning on a good note. As I look to the new year, I see God's plan laid out before us. On Friday the 2nd, we find out if Biruk and Hana passed court. Even if they haven't passed yet, we know that God has chosen these 2 children to join our family. What a blessing. We begin the second half of our first homeschooling year. I think the kids are learning, we are teaching, and we are becoming a stronger family. We are trying out a new church home and it seems like a nice fit. I feel that I don't have to look hard to see God's blessings raining down upon us. Does this mean that we don't have troubles? No. We have plenty of troubles, but I have chosen to set my eyes on Christ, The author of my life.
I pray that this year, through the good and the bad, you keep your eyes on the Heavenly Father who loves you.
I Thesselonians 5:23
Now may God himself, the God of peace, make you pure, belonging only to him. May your whole self- spirit, soul, and body, be kept safe and without fault when our Lord Jesus Christ comes. You can trust the one who calls you to do that for you.
Happy New Year!