Monday, July 13, 2009

This morning's issue

Hanna and I had a small clash this morning. I think I handled it ok, you tell me.

Hanna and Svetlana have been signed up for a week long song and dance class. 9am to 3pm Monday through Friday with a show at 6:30pm on Friday night.
The girls are so excited and anticipation for the class to start has drawn them even closer. I overheard Hanna express concern about understanding everything the teacher said, and Svetlana assured her that she would stick by Hanna and help her out.
They spent the afternoon on Sunday choosing what they would wear and Hanna did Svetlana's hair. When they came downstairs this morning, they had big smiles and were ready to go!
Hanna had chosen to wear Svetlana's blue and gold gym uniform.
She also had on 2 mismatched terry cloth wrist bands.

Just below her knees.

I have told her in the past not to wear the wrist bands there and I told her to take them off.
No problem.

The director asked that all the children wear gym shoes and I reminded the girls to put them on.
At the back door there was a problem. Hanna's shoes are too small. She would rather not wear gym shoes and so has not worn them in almost 2 months. It was true. The shoes were too small.
OK Hanna, you still have to wear gym shoes, so you need to wear the black gym shoes that don't fit your brother. I will have new shoes for you this afternoon.
Big tears! I'm not going! I can't wear those shoes! Wah Wah Wah.

You can't wear the shoes?!!?!?!?! In your whole ensemble, THESE SHOES are the problem?

I don't say that. Deep breath.
I tell her that I understand that she doesn't want to wear her brother's shoes, but I assure her that nobody is going to notice her shoes.
Over breakfast, she continued to shoot me very nasty looks. Finally I asked her why she was looking at me that way. (like I don't know)

I no like these shoes- through her teeth.

At this point, (anther very deep breath first) I gently suggest to her that she choose a better attitude. That she should focus on the great day she was poised to have rather than make her focus something as inconsequential as shoes. I told her I couldn't make her change her attitude, but that I hoped she would.
By the end of breakfast, she was again smiling and discussing the day with her sister, and by the time we arrived at class, I could tell she had forgotten about the shoes.

I think this is good advice for all of us. We need to quit focusing on tiny disappointments and start marveling at the awesome blessings we have been given.

1 comment:

Brian and Autumn said...

sounds good to me, traci!